We offer same day sick appointments Monday through Friday. New clients save $40 off. Call our office at (757)340-3913 to schedule today!
Dog getting his teeth looked at

Surgical & Dental Services

We are able to perform most routine surgical procedures here at our facility. Most orthopedic procedures and certain cases may be referred to a surgical specialist if this best serves your pet’s needs.

Laser Surgery

A laser is a highly concentrated, focused beam of light that ablates tissue as it cuts with precision. We see the following benefits:

  1. less pain (it seals nerve endings)
  2. less bleeding (it seals small blood vessels)
  3. less swelling (since it does not contact the skin it causes less trauma)
  4. less infection (it vaporizes bacteria and viruses)
  5. faster recovery (less pain + less bleeding = faster healing)

Consult the veterinarian to discuss whether your pet is a candidate for the use of a laser during his/her surgical procedure.

Dental Services

Your pet has teeth too! And a healthy mouth is an important part of your pet’s overall health. We offer a wide range of dental services including dental x-rays, professional dental cleanings, surgical procedures, and a full line of home dental care products.

Why spay or neuter?

We recommend sterilizing your pet for these simplified reasons:

  1. It reduces risks of serious diseases such as infection and certain types of cancer in your pet.
  2. It helps reduce behavioral problems such as: aggression, inappropriate elimination, and roaming.
  3. It reduces the number of senseless deaths of countless unwanted animals in our local and national shelters and communities.

Why not spay or neuter at a low-cost facility?

We believe our pets are our family members, and if your family member was undergoing a surgical procedure you would want measures taken to help ensure his/her safety. We:

  • examine our surgical patients prior to their procedure
  • assess pre-operative lab work
  • ensure all surgical patients have indwelling intravenous catheters
  • choose anesthetics that are safest and appropriate for the individual’s needs
  • closely monitor the patient’s vital parameters during the procedure and recovery
  • provide pain medication for the patient’s recovery both in the hospital and at home
  • provide thorough written and verbal post-operative discharge instructions